Clinical Deep Tissue Massage

One of the most sought-after massage therapy techniques is deep tissue massage. A variety of massage practitioners choose to use deep tissue massage in their clinics because of the stimulating and healing effects it provides to their patients. Deep tissue massage focuses on recalibrating your muscles and connective tissue. By properly realigning connective tissue and muscles, deep tissue massage allows areas experiencing chronic pain and tension to heal and relax.

It isn’t easy to make chronic pain and tension dissipate, but deep tissue massage has been used by practitioners for years to ensure your high-stress areas relax and feel normal once again. And in most cases, these areas of chronic pain and tension will feel better than they ever have before.

Common areas in your body that may experience a high level of chronic pain and tension are your upper back, lower back, neck region and the muscles in your legs. Those who lead more active lives and are involved in heavy amounts of physical activity are more likely to experience pain in these areas, deep tissue massage may be the answer to cure your pain.

During a deep tissue massage, your massage therapist may use a variety of different methods to perform the activity. Typically, you shouldn’t rule out your therapist using a combination of their knuckles, elbows, forearms and fingertips. Treatments tend to last between 45 minutes to an hour, but it all depends on the clinic.

When you go in for a deep tissue massage you can expect a whole lot of kneading, tapping and pressure that will start in light intervals. As the massage goes on the pressure will increase until you are experiencing deep, direct pressure on your afflicted areas.

As with any massage, make sure to drink plenty of water before and after the massage, it is extremely important to do so after the session, as you can flush out any of the metabolic waste that may come from the tissues.

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