The Importance of Drinking Water

By: Kim M. Filkins, L.Ac.

Everywhere you go these days, you see people carrying bottled water.  And because of the emphasis that has been placed on drinking water, it is now the second most popular drink in the United States.  This is really important because every cell in our bodies depends upon water to function.  And with every hour that passes, our bodies lose water.  Unless we replace that, we literally can shrivel up and die. continue reading »

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5 Reasons to Get a Massage This Fall

As summer slows down and fall takes hold, so too should we allow our bodies to relax and recover.  Summer is generally the most active of all the seasons for many reasons.  The kids are out of school, family vacations happen more frequently and outdoor activities are more plentiful because of the warmer weather and longer hours of daylight.  With all of this taking place, it’s not uncommon for many people to feel exhausted by the time fall begins and the kids head back to school.  continue reading »

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5 Ways Getting a Massage Can Help With Allergies

Allergies affect millions of people all over the world, and for most, the spring and fall seasons tend to be when allergies flare up for the worst making it miserable for those enduring the symptoms. The term allergy is used to describe a reaction produced by the body when it encounters something foreign that it’s not responding well to. The body may react by producing antibodies or releasing specific chemicals known as histamines to prevent the foreign invader from attacking. Thus, the histamines trigger an allergic reaction or inflammatory response.  continue reading »

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How Massage Can Help With Postoperative Pain

A survey showed that 48 million inpatient surgeries were performed on health issues that ranged from eye surgery to musculoskeletal surgeries. 80 percent of the people undergoing these surgeries reported that they had some form of postoperative pain, and 10 to 50 percent of these patients then develop chronic pain from the surgery itself. That’s a whole lot of people who didn’t get relief from their pain, even after a surgery was performed that may have been deemed as a correction for the initial pain. continue reading »

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Benefits of Hemp Oil for Massage

Hemp is everywhere in today’s society.  And it has a host of positive benefits that can lend to our overall health.  But for many people, the confusion over hemp seed and CBD oil, leaves a lot of questions unanswered.  First off, let’s be clear.  Hemp seed oil is merely another carrier oil like sesame oil or coconut oil.  Therefore, it makes a great choice for massage therapists.  Hemp seed oil is usually derived from industrial hemp plants or the benign cousin of the marijuana plant and it contains no CBD or THC.

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